What is called true cinema?Is it special effects,fantasy or mindless actions.No cinema is an art and it depends on director to create magical art of cinema.One such movie which can be called pure cinema and triumph of meaningfull and sensible cinema is Schindler's List
The true story of Czech born Oskar Schindler, a businessman who tried to make his fortune during the Second World War by exploiting cheap Jewish labour, but ended up penniless having saved over 1000 Polish Jews from almost certain death during the holocaust.
Winner of 7 oscar awards Schindler's List is story of Nazi barbarism.It shows how mean the human beings can be sometimes.Its the most powerfull story ever told about barbarism and brutality.Even the words barbarism and brutality are too less to describe what happened to the jews.Its not only related what happened to the jews but its a slap on face of humanity.How can we call ourselves human beings
The duration of movie is over 3 hours still it never losses its hold.
To call Liam Neeson had given outstanding performance would be an understatement.From a greedy businessman to a humanitarian he is extraordinary.His broke up at the end of the movie is so touching i lost my words to define them.Incredible.I am surprised how he lost the oscar
Ralph Fiennes have given his career best performance.Playing the role of frightening Nazi commandant he just rocks.
And Schindler's List only proves how great a filmmaker is Steven Spielberg.From making movies like (JAWS) to Close Encounters of the Third World to ET to Jurassic Park and recently released Munich and many endless works he is 'God of all Directors'.The way he have shown the brutality and what had happened in past only a great ones like him can do that.
Many of you have seen this movie but i posted review cause i wanted all to know what is called sensible cinema.
With Spielberg's one of the best directed movies and spellbounding performance by Liam Neeson Schindler's List is a must watch for everyone.Especially for them who want to see sensible and meaningfull cinema.
.....A True Classic